According to the Science Direct database, more than 1000 research papers were published on the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on living organisms as recently as 2013. This as scientists, activists, and politicians seek to secure a firmer handle on the impact that current technologies have in our modern lives. Do You Need to Reduce… Continue reading Do You Need to Reduce EMF’s In Your Bedroom?
Category: Bedroom
Should You Sleep with a Pillow Between Your Legs?
It is pretty well established that sleeping with a pillow between your knees, when you are on your side, will assist with securing a good posture and protect your lower back. Why should you sleep with a pillow between your legs? You sleep with a pillow between your legs to help reduce the stress on… Continue reading Should You Sleep with a Pillow Between Your Legs?
Why Do We Sleep on Beds?
Sleeping on the modern bed is a matter of preference and choice – to some degree, it is also a matter of privilege. Why Do We Sleep on Beds? Most of the historical evidence would suggest that sleeping on a bed has always been the instinctive thing to do – both for human beings and for… Continue reading Why Do We Sleep on Beds?
Best Plants for Your Bedroom That Will Help You Sleep
Several factors need to be taken into account when choosing the best plants for your bedroom. Determining the best plants for the bedroom hinges heavily on the environment you are in and what it is that you hope to achieve with the choice of plant. People often labor under the misapprehension that purchasing plants for… Continue reading Best Plants for Your Bedroom That Will Help You Sleep
How Often Should You Change Your Pillowcase?
Changing pillowcases regularly if you are having any sleep disturbances and even if you are not is one easy fix for your sleep hygiene practices and your overall health and beauty. How Often Should You Change Your Pillowcase? Once a week along with your sheets. However, if you suffer from skin and hair problems I… Continue reading How Often Should You Change Your Pillowcase?
Should I Be Sleeping with Candles Lit?
Ah, candles flickering! The thought conjures up the most wonderfully luxurious and relaxing feelings in a lot of us. Whether it is relaxing on the couch before bed, taking a long soak in the tub or burning a relaxing scented candle in your bedroom to help you get to sleep. Should I Be Sleeping with… Continue reading Should I Be Sleeping with Candles Lit?
Do You Know What the Best Color Light for Sleep Is?
This subject was raised recently in our family as my grandson is 23 months old now and is really starting to fuss over going to bed. Then when he is finally asleep he can wake up and scream a couple of times during the night as well. The best color light for sleep is a… Continue reading Do You Know What the Best Color Light for Sleep Is?
How to Sleep with Bed Bugs? – Don’t – Get Rid of Them
Bedbugs the very thought of them make most of us cringe. Let alone sleeping with them. I am actually feeling itchy writing right now. Argh!!! Once you know they are there most of us would be scared to sleep because of the bed bugs and will be running to another room or the sofa to… Continue reading How to Sleep with Bed Bugs? – Don’t – Get Rid of Them
What Colors Make You Sleep Better?
If you are someone that needs all the assistance you can find which will help you relax and get the most sleep possible in a night. You can now add one more item to your list. The colors in your bedroom! I will give you a quick answer as to which colors are the best to… Continue reading What Colors Make You Sleep Better?