Make Money While You Sleep

Are you tired of putting in all those extra hours – in your regular job – and getting little to no recognition for your efforts? Perhaps it is time to start earning a passive income, where you will make money while you sleep. Can we really make money while sleeping? The answer is yes absolutely.… Continue reading Make Money While You Sleep

Categorized as Lifestyle

Best Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

Jet Lag is a common feature for business and sporting professionals who work industries that require extensive travel. Despite the extreme exhaustion and other physical difficulties that come with the territory when they have Jet Lag, these professionals are still expected to perform at an optimal level when they reach their respective destinations. Those of… Continue reading Best Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

Categorized as Travel

Do Flies Sleep?

Do flies ever sleep? Yes, flies require sleep just like humans. In fact, their sleep patterns are not that different from ours. They enjoy the warmth and daylight so this is the time they go about their business. Eating, mating, exploring, playing, and existing. Then at night, they need to rest and recharge just as… Continue reading Do Flies Sleep?

Categorized as Animals