Why Not to Have Red Lights On at Night, Myth Debunked

Many people and experts believe that red light is beneficial to get a good sleep every night. But others disagree. What’s the truth behind this? In this post, we will try to answer the issue as comprehensively as possible. Why not to have red lights on at night? Is there any truth in it? Sleeping Disorders Among… Continue reading Why Not to Have Red Lights On at Night, Myth Debunked

Tips When Sleeping After Botox

Many people wonder if sleeping after Botox is allowed? Will it affect your face? Or should you wait for hours before going to sleep? In this post, let’s answer all your questions related to Botox and sleeping. But before that, let’s talk about the procedure in general. What is Botox? While Botox is commonly associated… Continue reading Tips When Sleeping After Botox

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